Friday, October 21, 2011

Asserts in NUnit

Assertions (or asserts for short) are helper methods that can assist us in determining whether a method under test is performing correctly or not. They let us assert conditions, data, and so on. All assertion methods will report failures (that’s when the assertion is false) or errors (that’s when we get an unexpected exception) and report these through the NUnit test runner. when a failure or error occurs, execution of the current test method is aborted. Other Test within the same test fixture will still be run.

Classic Asserts

  • Assert.AreEqual (expected, actual, string message)
    • For floating-point numbers we need to specify the tolerance of the equality.
    • Assert.AreEqual(3.33, 10.0/3.0, 0.01)  // Checks the result but looks only for the first two decimal places.
  • Assert.Less(x, y)     // asserts that x < y
  • Assert.Greater(x, y)      // asserts that x > y
  • Assert.LessOrEqual(x, y)    // asserts that x <= y
  • Assert.GreaterOrEqual(x, y)    // asserts that x >= y
  • Assert.IsNull(object, string message)
  • Assert.IsNotNull(object, string message)
  • Assert.AreSame(expected, actual, string message)
  • Assert.IsTrue(bool condition, string message)
  • Assert.IsFalse(bool condition, string message)
  • Assert.Fail(string message)
    • Fails the test immediately, can be used to mark sections of code that should not be reached.

*message in all previous statements is optional.

Constrain-Based Asserts

These are new assertion style introduced in NUnit 2.4. That new style enable many expectations to be evaluated together in a single assertion:

Assert.That(4, Is.LessThan(5) & Is.GreatThan(0));

  • Assert.That(actual, Is.EqualTo(expected))
  • Assert.That(actual, Is.Not.EqualTo(expected));
  • Assert.That(actual, Is.AtMost(expected));        //equivalent to Assert.LessOrEqual()
  • Assert.That(actual, Is.Atleast(expected));        //equivalent to Assert.GreaterOrEqual()
  • Assert.That(expected, Is.Null);
  • Assert.That(expected, Is.Not.Null);                 //equivalent to Assert.That(expected, !Is.Null);
  • Assert.That(expected, Is.Empty);                   //for collections and strings
  • Assert.That(actual, Is.InstanceOfType(expected));
  • Assert.That(actual, Has.Length(expected));
  • Assert.That(actualCollection, List.Contains(expectedValue));
    • Assert.That({5, 3, 2}, List.contains(2))   //will pass
  • Assert.That(actualCollection, Is.SubsetOf(expectedCollection));
    • Assert.That({5, 3, 2}, Is.SubsetOf({5, 4, 3, 2, 1})
  • Assert.That(actual, Text.StartsWith(expected)); //asserts that the expected string is at the beginning of actual
  • Assert.That(actual, Text.Matches(expected));    //asserts that the expected regular expression string matches actual
  • FileAssert.AreEqual(FileInfo expected, FileInfo actual);
    • FileAssert.AreEqual(String pathToExpected, String PathToActual);

NUnit and Exceptions

Part of your code behavior may be throwing a specific exception in certain cases. If you want to assert that your code throws the exceptions that it designed to throw, you need to tag your test method with attribute: [ExpectedException(typeof(ExpectedException))].

   1:  [TestFixture]

   2:  public class ImportListTest

   3:  {

   4:      [Test]

   5:      [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentNullException))]

   6:      public void NullList()

   7:      {

   8:          Class1.ImportList(null);

   9:      }

  10:  }

This test method in now expected to throw an exception [from the call to ImportList(null)]. If it doesn’t, the test will fail. If a different exception is thrown (even a superclass of the one specified), the test fails. The test passes only if the exact exception specified is thrown.

Temporarily ignoring tests

If you wrote the test code first and will start writing code incrementally (something like TDD), you may temporarily ignore tests that you still implementing the code required to pass them. You could just tag these tests with attribute [Ignore(“Optional Message”)] . NUnit will report that these tests were skipped and show a yellow bar in the GUI, so you won’t forget about it later.

Structuring unit tests in NUnit

Our goal in the previous post Introduction to NUnit, was just to introduce the unit testing using NUnit as simple as possible. Now it is the time to elaborate more on NUnit framework, structuring and organizing your test cases. If you examined the test code again:

   1:  using System;

   2:  using NUnit.Framework;

   3:  namespace ClassLibrary1

   4:  {

   5:      [TestFixture]

   6:      public class CmpTest

   7:      {

   8:          [Test]

   9:          public void LargestOf3()

  10:          {

  11:              int[] numbers = new int[] { 8, 9, 7 };

  12:              Assert.That(Cmp.Largest(numbers), Is.EqualTo(9));

  13:          }

  14:      }

  15:  }

The code is pretty straightforward. The using statement on line 2 brings in the necessary NUnit classes.

Next, we have the class definition on line 6: each class that contains tests must be annotated with a [TestFixture] attribute. The class have to be public, so the test runners can run it. The class must have a public, no-parameter constructor.

Finally, the test class contains individual methods annotated with [Test] attributes. Any public, parameterless method specified with a [Test] attribute will be run automatically by NUnit.

Structuring Unit Tests

As a good object-oriented design concept, a class should be focused on one responsibility and only one. This applies to test fixtures as well. Test fixtures should be focused on verifying behavior in a specific scenario. Its name should reflect this scenario. Tests inside that fixture should test different behaviors within this scenario. Tests should be organized around behaviors, not necessarily individual methods. To keep things readable and clear in the test runner output, favor putting fixture classes under a namespace that includes the name of the class that the fixture are testing.

   1:  namespace solutionName.Test.ShoppingCartTest

   2:  {

   3:      [TestFixture]

   4:      public class EmptyCartFixture

   5:      {

   6:          [Test]

   7:          public void OverallRateIsZero() { }

   8:      }

   9:  }


NUnit provides an easy way to mark and run individual test and fixtures by using categories. A category is just a name that we define. We can associate different test methods with one or more categories, that enable us to select which categories we want to exclude (or include) when running the tests. A category is specified as an attribute.

   1:  using System;

   2:  using NUnit.Framework;

   3:  namespace ClassLibrary1

   4:  {

   5:      [TestFixture]

   6:      public class CmpTest

   7:      {

   8:          [Test]

   9:          [Category("Short")]

  10:          public void LargestOf3()

  11:          {

  12:              int[] numbers = new int[] { 8, 9, 7 };

  13:              Assert.That(Cmp.Largest(numbers), Is.EqualTo(9));

  14:          }


  16:          [Test]

  17:          [Category("Long")]

  18:          [Category("Fred")]

  19:          public void LargestOf3Alt()

  20:          {

  21:              int[] numbers = new int[3];

  22:              numbers[0] = 1;

  23:              numbers[1] = 1;

  24:              numbers[2] = 1;

  25:              Assert.That(Cmp.Largest(numbers), Is.EqualTo(1));

  26:          }


  28:          [SetUp]

  29:          public void LargestOf3Alt2()

  30:          {

  31:              int[] numbers = new int[1];

  32:              numbers[0] = 0;

  33:              Assert.That(Cmp.Largest(numbers), Is.EqualTo(0));

  34:          }

  35:      }

  36:  }

In the GUI, if you excluded “Short” methods from run, only LargestOf3() will be selected and executed.


When categories are used, only the tests in the selected categories will be run. Those tests in categories that are not selected are not reported at all. If no category selected in the GUI, then all methods will be executed unless it is tagged with Explicit attribute. The Explicit attribute causes a test or test fixture to be ignored unless it is explicitly selected for running.

Per-Method Setup and Teardown  We should write our test in order that each test can run independently of other tests; this allows us to run any test at any time in any order. In order to accomplish that we may need to reset things between tests or clean up after a test has run. [Setup] and [TearDown] attributes are used for these tasks.

Per-Fixture Setup and Teardown  If we need to set something up or clean up after the entire test class has run, use [TestFixtureSetup] and [TestFixtureTearDown] for that.

Although setup and teardown methods generally come in pair, they don’t have to do so.

Suppose we need some sort of database connection for each test. Rather than duplicating code in each test method that connects to and disconnects from the database, we could use SetUp and TearDown methods. Since creating the initial connection to the database can be slow, we may want to do that only once before all the tests run by using TestFixtureSetUp.

   1:  [TestFixture]

   2:  public class DBTest

   3:  {

   4:      private SqlConnection dbConn;


   6:      [TestFixtureSetUp]

   7:      public void PerFixtureSetup()

   8:      {

   9:          dbConn = new SqlConnection("ConnectionString");

  10:          dbConn.Open();

  11:      }


  13:      [SetUp]

  14:      public void PerTestSetup()

  15:      {

  16:          //populate database with test data

  17:      }


  19:      [TearDown]

  20:      public void PerTestTearDown()

  21:      {

  22:          // clean up database

  23:      }


  25:      [TestFixtureTearDown]

  26:      public void PerFixtureTearDown()

  27:      {

  28:          dbConn.Close();

  29:          dbConn.Dispose();

  30:      }


  32:      [Test]

  33:      public void AccountAccess()

  34:      {

  35:          // Uses dbConn

  36:      }


  38:      [Test]

  39:      public void EmployeeAccess()

  40:      {

  41:          // Uses dbConn

  42:      }

  43:  }

In this example, here is the methods run sequence: PerFixtureSetup >> PerTestSetup >> AccountAccess >> PerTestTearDown >> PerFixtureTearDown >> PerFixtureSetup >> PerTestSetup >> EmployeeAccess >> PertestTearDown >> PerFixtureTearDown.

In this post we tried to elaborate more on the NUnit framework and how we structure and organize test cases in NUnit.

Introduction to NUnit

What is unit testing?

According to Jeff Canna, unit testing ensures that a particular method of a class successfully performs a set of specific tasks. Each test confirms that a method produces the expected output when given a known input.

What is NUnit? NUnit is an open source framework that facilitates unit testing for all .NET languages. It allows you to build your test cases directly into the code of the project.

How do I get NUnit? Download the appropriate file from here and install it. That’s it !!

Write your code

We will write our code now and let it drive our testing cases and exploration of NUnit. Make a new project, class library that similar to the code below. Below an implementation of a “largest” method that returns the largest number in a list.

   1:  using System;

   2:  namespace ClassLibrary1

   3:  {

   4:      public class Cmp

   5:      {

   6:          public static int Largest(int[] list)

   7:          {            

   8:              int max = Int32.MaxValue;

   9:              for (int index = 0; index < list.Length - 1; index++)

  10:              {

  11:                  if (list[index] > max)

  12:                      max = list[index];

  13:              }

  14:              return max;

  15:          }

  16:      }

  17:  }

Test your code

Now it comes to the testing step. Writing test cases is a big topic to be discussed here. We will try to make our first test as simple as possible because there is much to be tested the first time besides the code itself. First, add reference to NUnit and then write our test cases.

  1. Right click on the references in “Solution Explorer” and click add a reference.

  2. Click on tab “Browse”

  3. Navigate to your NUnit directory and go into the bin subdirectory. For me this directory is in “C:\Program Files (x86)\NUnit 2.5.10\bin\net-2.0\framework”

  4. Select nunit.framework.dll and click OK.

Then add a new class library to the project and add the code below to it. This code uses the NUnit namespace, attributes, Assert, and Is. We will explain all of these in detail in further posts. For now, just build the project.

   1:  using System;

   2:  using NUnit.Framework;

   3:  namespace ClassLibrary1

   4:  {

   5:      [TestFixture]

   6:      public class CmpTest

   7:      {

   8:          [Test]

   9:          public void LargestOf3()

  10:          {

  11:              int[] numbers = new int[] { 8, 9, 7 };

  12:              Assert.That(Cmp.Largest(numbers), Is.EqualTo(9));

  13:          }

  14:      }

  15:  }

Run your tests

Now we have got our code, and our test cases. The next step is to run that test cases to test our code and that is the role of test runners. A test runner knows to look for the [TestFixture] attribute of a class and for the [Test] methods within it. The runner will run the tests, accumulate some statistics on which tests passed and failed, and report the results to you. There are many test runners, you can use the NUnit GUI which is installed by default with NUnit (will be located in the programs menu of the start menu).

Using NUnit GUI

In the NUnit GUI, select File > Open or press Ctrl + O. This would show the Open Project dialog. Browse to the folder which contains the assembly containing your tests and open it.


Now you can test your code by clicking the Run button.


When we run a selected test, the GUI will display a large, colored, status bar. If all the tests pass, the bar is bright green. If any test fails, the bar is red. If any test was skipped, the bar is yellow.

It is obvious that our test case here have been failed. Try to fix the code and run the test again until it succeed Smile